- Commencement
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- Graduation Ceremonies
- Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology Commencement Ceremony
Friday, May 17, 2024 • 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. • Save Mart Center
Recorded Ceremony
Dear Graduates,
As we eagerly anticipate this joyous occasion, our faculty, staff, University President, and Provost are excited to join in celebrating the achievements of our students.
Consequently, I wish that every student relishes this significant milestone. We recognize the hard work and persistence demonstrated in 16 or more years of formal education.
On behalf of our faculty and staff, I thank you for choosing to continue your education at Fresno State in the Jordan College. This ceremony recognizes your completion of a university degree that can open so many doors for you. The opportunities ahead will allow you to make a difference in the world.
For those who are family, friends, and well-wishers of our graduates, we recognize you for your support and encouragement.
Thank you for entrusting the education of these graduates to us, and helping us celebrate them as they continue a new journey beyond the university.
Rolston St. Hilaire
Dean, Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
Steven Rocca
Associate Dean, Jordan College of Agricultural Sciences and Technology
National Anthem and Alma Mater Vocalist
Dr. Erin Stafford Dormedy
Mace Bearer
Dr. Dennis Nef
Dean’s Comments
Dr. Rolston St. Hilaire, Dean
ASI President’s Address
Karen Carrillo, Chicano Studies
President’s Address
Dr. Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval, President, California State University, Fresno
Presentation of Jordan College Dean’s Medalists
Presentation of Jordan College’s Outstanding Thesis and Project
Presentation of Graduates by Department Chairs/Coordinators
Dr. Srinivasa Konduru
Department of Agricultural Business
Dr. Annette Levi
Department of Animal Sciences and Agricultural Education
Dr. Erin Stafford Dormedy
Department of Food Science and Nutrition
Dr. Arun Nambiar
Department of Industrial Technology
Dr. John Bushoven
Department of Plant Science
Dr. Sonet Van Zyl
Department of Viticulture and Enology
Confirmation of Degrees
President, Dr. Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval and Dean, Dr. Rolston St. Hilaire
Agricultural Business
Tyler Furtado (Undergraduate)
Animal Sciences and Agricultural Education
Kailey Stone (Graduate)
Ivan Trujillo (Undergraduate)
Food Science and Nutrition
Daniel Olmos (Graduate)
Vanneza Kristanto (Undergraduate)
Industrial Technology
Sara Mekideche (Graduate)
Noah Scarbrough (Undergraduate)
Plant Science
Harmanpreet Sharma (Graduate)
Jose Ortiz Pellegrin (Undergraduate)
Viticulture and Enology
Mason Ramsey (Undergraduate)
Medalists and Thesis/Project Award Winners
2024 Graduate Dean’s Medalist
M. Orlando Tapia
M.S. Plant Science
Standard Bearers
Tatyn Silva (Undergraduate)
B.S. Agricultural Business
Daniel Olmos (Graduate)
M.S. Food and Nutritional Science
2024 Undergraduate Dean’s Medalist
Reyna Mero
B.S. Pre-Veterinary Science
2024 Outstanding Project Award
Brendan Black
M.S. Agricultural Science
M. Orlando Tapia
M.S. Plant Science
Jordan College Honors Program
The Jordan College Honors Program provides an opportunity for advanced interdisciplinary study and engagement within a cohort.
Students work closely with a faculty mentor toward the completion of a research or scholarly project. The program consists of a three-semester commitment, beginning with a 3-unit honors seminar taken in the second semester of junior year. This is followed by a 3-unit independent study with a faculty mentor to work on a research project in the first semester of senior year. Finally, a 3-unit honors colloquium in the second semester of their senior year serves as a culminating experience where they make a public presentation of their research or scholarly project.
We are proud to honor our ninth cohort at today’s convocation. They are listed here with their faculty mentor and the titles of their research projects.
Honors Cohort 9 / Research Projects:
- Jasmin Joy Andrada (Mentor: Dr. Serhat Asci): An analysis of produce consumption in Fresno County.
- Madelyn Fernandes (Mentor: Dr. Sharon Freeman): Evaluation of barriers to student involvement in SAE
Projects as identified by high school agricultural teachers.
- Ivana Gonzalez-Esparza (Mentor: Dr. Samuel Rodriguez): How self-determination impacts the ability of pre-service
and practicing Hispanic females to navigate their agriculture teaching career.
- Daniel Hidalgo (Mentor: Dr. Erin Stafford Dormedy): Evaluation of textural properties of high protein
ice cream.
- Lillian Kier (Mentor: Dr. Todd Lone): Financial feasibility of growing guayule, a salt and drought-tolerant
crop that produces natural latex and resin, on the west side of the San Joaquin Valley
of California.
- Reyna Mero (Mentor: Dr. Katy Tarrant): Assessing activity of broilers in a commercial house using
laser enrichmments.
- Miguel Perez Esparza (Mentor: Dr. Annette Levi): Perceptions of agricultural field workers and their experiences
regarding employers and the workplace.
- Alberto Ramirez (Mentor: Dr. Cliff Yu): Investigating the effects of cover crops installation on canopy
microclimate in Central Coast winegrape vineyards.
- Savannah Salters (Mentor: Dr. Fabio Iared): Factors affecting equine in vitro embryo production in
a commercial OPU / ICSI program.
- Ivan Trujillo (Mentor: Dr. Sharon Freeman): JCAST student soft skills assessment.
***Summa Cum Laude
Red/Blue/Gold Cords
3.90 - 4.00 GPA
Red/Blue/Silver Cords
3.70 - 3.89 GPA
Red/Blue Cords
3.50 - 3.69 GPA
+ Master's Degree with Distinction
3.9 - 4.0 GPA